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the picture shows our apprentice Henrik showing the journalist from TA how he works

Nice story about our IT developer apprentice

Last week we were visited by Telemarksavisa (TA) who wrote a story about apprentices.

Henrik started as an apprentice with us in August 2022 after completing the IT developer course at Porsgrunn Upper Secondary School. He says he was lucky, because he was already 21 years old when this study offer came up, and had been a little unsure about which direction to choose. "I was already interested in coding, and the more I learned, the more fun it became.

After vg1 and vg2 he was ready for an apprenticeship, and he started with us at Vigo IKS.

Henrik has been interested and on from day 1, and quickly became both a resource and a good colleague.

We have gained good experience with the apprenticeship scheme. In addition, we have good internal supervisors in our employees, Trond Sevre and Jennifer Strand, as well as good dialogue with the school and the training office.

Now we envisage considering a new apprentice every year. The second year apprentice will also be a resource in this work.

Read the full story in Telemarksavisa (TA) here.

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