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The Board of Representatives of Novari IKS

The Board of Representatives of Novari IKS met in Porsgrunn

The Board of Representatives is Novari IKS's supreme body and the company's highest authority. Normally, the Supervisory Board meets at Gardermoen for practical reasons, but recently the first ever meeting of the Supervisory Board was held at Novari IKS' premises in Porsgrunn.

Each of the owners, each county council and the City of Oslo, has an elected representative who sits on the Board of Representatives. The Supervisory Board deals with the company's accounts, budget, financial plan and other matters that must be dealt with by the Supervisory Board in accordance with the law or the company agreement.

At the request of the Supervisory Board itself, the members recently gathered for a two-day meeting at our head office in Deltabygget in Porsgrunn.

Day 1 consisted of a session with Arild Stana from the Board Association, who was present when the Council shared thoughts and experiences about what it means to be a member of the Council. The day ended with a workshop on strategy, services and responsibilities.

The Board of Representatives of Novari IKS
The Board of Representatives of Novari IKS, fv: Børre Krudtå (Troms), Brynjard Rønningen (Østfold), Geir Hareide (Nordland), Bjørn Marthinsen (Chairman of the Board), Åsmund Berthelsen (Vestland), Anders Bjøru (Trøndelag), Sverre Osland (Akershus), Knut Lindland (Agder), Elisabeth G. Vingereid (Telemark), Gunnar B. Treidene (Vestfold) Not present when the photo was taken: Raymond Robertsen (Finnmark) (Innlandet, Møre og Romsdal and Buskerud were not present at the meeting this time).

Day 2 was the Supervisory Board meeting, you can find the agenda with attachments here.

During these days, there was also some time to get to know the employees of Novari IKS. This was also one of the reasons why the meeting was held in Porsgrunn. Being able to meet and talk together in this way was something both the members of the Supervisory Board and the employees found very useful.

We thank the Supervisory Board for two great days - and welcome you back!

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