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Settings in Vigo to present training offices/training companies and company courses at

There are two settings in Vigo that affect whether training offices/training companies and company courses appear on You can

  1. indicate whether training offices/training companies and associated business courses for the county are ready for publication on
    On the separate sheet "Vocational training" in 5S001 in Vigo Training, the county can indicate whether training offices and/or member companies and/or independent companies (and associated "company courses") are to be displayed on
  2. indicate for each individual business course whether it should be published on or not
    On the screen "Business courses - details" it is possible to override the display of each individual business course on Basically, all business courses with valid approval are displayed.


There are two settings in Vigo that affect whether training offices/training companies and company courses appear on

Last modified: March 7, 2024

1. State whether training offices/training companies and associated business courses for the county are ready for publication on

  • This setting is controlled with various parameter selections in the drop-down list "Parameter for display when exporting to Vilbli" on the separate sheet "Vocational training" in 5S001 in VigoTraining.
  • When export to is selected, training offices/training companies and associated company courses are updated on daily.

Explanation of how the various options affect the presentation on

  1. No companies are displayed
    No training offices/training companies and company courses are displayed when the county is selected on
    (Please note that training offices/apprenticeship companies with an address in the county can appear with company courses on other counties' display on This applies to training offices/apprenticeship companies that have apprentices from several counties.)
  2. All companies are displayed
    All training offices, member companies and apprenticeship companies with associated business courses are displayed when the county is selected on
  3. Only the training office is displayed
    All training offices with associated business courses are displayed when the county is selected on Member companies and independent apprenticeship companies with company courses are not shown. The member companies' business courses appear (without specifying the member company) because they are listed on the training office's overview page.
  4. Training offices and member companies are displayed
    All training offices and their member companies with associated business courses are displayed when the county is selected on Independent apprenticeship companies with company courses are not shown.
  5. Independent companies and training offices are displayed
    All training offices and independent apprenticeship companies with associated business courses are displayed when the county is selected on Member companies are not displayed. The member companies' business courses appear (without specifying the member company) because they are listed on the training office's overview page.

2. Indicate for each individual business course whether it should be published on or not

  • This setting controls the display of each individual company course, but is only relevant for the company courses that are linked to the training office/training companies that are to be displayed (ref. the choice made in step 1).
  • The setting is controlled with various parameter selections in the drop-down list "Parameter for display on Vilbli" on the screen "Company course - details" on the individual company course in VigoOpplæring.
  • The default value for each company course is "The company course should be displayed on Vilbli if valid approval", so basically all company courses with valid approval will be displayed on (provided that training offices/training companies must be included on, ref. step 1).

Explanation of how the various options affect the presentation on

  1. The company course will be shown on Vilbli
    The company course is displayed on even if it does not have a valid approval. This is a manual override to show specific business courses that would otherwise not be included on
  2. The company exchange rate shall not be displayed on Vilbli
    The company course is not displayed on even if it has a valid approval. This is a manual override to hide specific business courses that would otherwise have appeared on
  3. The company course must be displayed on Vilbli if validly approved
    Default value: The company rate is displayed on if it has a valid approval as of today's date.

Handling feedback

  • Feedback received by the main editorial staff at is forwarded to the county's editor. The editors in the counties forward feedback on vocational training data to the appropriate person in the county.
  • It is important that feedback regarding company information (name, address, telephone number, e-mail) or company course is handled quickly so that the user experiences that the information is corrected on within a reasonable time after he/she submitted his/her feedback.
  • The information is changed/corrected directly in Vigo and is automatically updated on every night.

Examples from the display on

Training offices/training companies and company courses are primarily presented on these two page views on

Overview of training offices with subjects and possibly member companies

  • When the user selects a training office in the list of "providers", he enters the page of the training office. Here is contact information for the training office and an overview of which subjects the training office offers and (if display of member companies is selected) a list of which member companies offer the individual subjects.
    The training office for building and construction engineering in Oslo
  • Overview of member companies with apprenticeships
    When the user selects a member company from the page for the training office, he enters the page of the member company. Here is contact information for the member company and an overview of which subjects the company offers and which training office the member company is associated with in the individual subject.
    NCC Roads as
  • Overview of independent apprenticeships with apprenticeships
    When the user selects an independent apprenticeship company in the list of "providers" in the structure map, he enters the apprenticeship company's page. Here is contact information for the apprenticeship company and an overview of which apprenticeships the company offers (and if the company is a member company in any of the apprenticeships, the corresponding training office is listed).
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